
Why flexibility is important for TMT bars?

Flexibility is a very important feature of steel Bar so that steel Bars can exchange suddenly caused extra loads during an Earthquake or Flood. TMT Bars are highly flexible among all type of TMT bars.

That’s why TMT Bars are used for all type of construction purposes especially in the highly earthquake prone countries like China, Indonesia and Japan that are extremely prone to earthquake there also Commercial structures, Skyscrapers, Houses are made of TMT Bars.
Flexibility comes in steel bars when the outer surface hardens nd the inner core remains soft. Now in the following portion we’ll explain how the manufacturing of steel by hot rolling mills helps to achieve flexibility.

Role of the hot rolling mill-

Hot Rolling is widely used industrial method to heat up the metal (usually above 1100 degrees Celsius) for giving the desired shapes with required material properties and shapes keeping the same size and nature of the metal.

The total process of manufacturing usually carried out by using steel that passes through the rolling mills at a very high temperature. The rotating rolls actually roll on to lower the thickness of the steel and giving the proper shape to the steel sections.
The Hot Rolling process of steel usually begins with very essential step of heating the blooms and billets at a higher temperature (usually above 1100 degrees Celsius).
After the slabs or the blooms passes through the casting process it goes into the rolling mills. Large-scale mills are required to manufacture the profiles. The rolling operations creates the targeted strength, toughness, ductility, formability, vibration resistance and shock and weld-ability of the steel.

High pressure is passed during the process of hot thermal treatment to clean the steel and remove the mill stains that also helps to prevent the surface of the steel from developing flaws at the finished product stage.

If you are searching for the earthquake resistant ideal steel bar then TUFCON should be your first choice. Because apart from manufacturing anti-corrosive and flexible bars using german tempcore technology, they have successful profile of construction business. So, they know exactly what are needed to manufacture an ideal tmt rebars for a super strong construction.